Is ELD Data the Key to a Greener Future?

Electronic logging devices collect a lot of data, many of which can help consumers adopt more sustainable behavior and create sustainable value chains. Read the latest blog to learn more.

What is ELD data?

ELD's are intended to help create a safer work environment for drivers, and make it easier and faster to accurately track, manage, and share records of duty status (RODS) data.

The current state of trucking (commercial motor vehicle)

Although compliance is the driving factor for carriers utilizing electronic logging devices, there are a variety of other benefits and insights that can be gathered from ELD data, such as operational data. And because of the abundance of operational data available from ELD’s (electronic logging device), leveraging this information in the right way can in return have a direct positive impact on the environment with commercial motor vehicles.

The trucking industry is an integral part of our economy, with the majority of existing industries depending on them for their day-to-day operations. The pandemic has only made the number of companies relying on truckers increase due to the growth of online purchases. However, the supply chain process can at times discourage contributing industries from optimizing efficiency for their carriers through innovation, which often leads to wasting valuable resources. 

Potential cost savings

One resource the trucking industry consumes regularly and abundantly is gasoline. According to HNI Insurance, the trucking industry consumes roughly 50 billion gallons of gasoline every year, which is nearly 13% of the country's total fuel consumption. 

Yet, ELD data could reduce the fuel consumption by providing fleet managers the location of each truck in real time, allowing drivers to choose more efficient routes, and avoid areas experiencing traffic delays to improve delivery time. As explained by Vnomics, even the most modern and efficient trucks need smart drivers to optimize their fuel efficiency. And the best way to teach smart driving skills in an affordable way is through ELD data. 

Additionally, cutting down on unnecessary driving using ELD data also means less wear and tear on the trucks, which assists with reducing repairs and maintenance. According to the 2021 HDT Fact Book, the average cost of roadside repairs gradually increased last year, a mirror of 2019 when the average cost of a roadside mechanical repair increased to $334 in the fourth quarter, up from $317 in the third quarter and $299 in the second quarter.


The demand for trucking and advanced technology in trucks will continue to grow. And this will inevitably put additional stress on already burdened resources unless ELD data is used to optimize and maximize efficiency in all aspects of the industry. 

Even if your business is not ready to analyze big data, you can see an immediate ROI using ELD’s by simply converting paperwork and paper logs into electronic documents, reducing paper, man power, costs and errors. 

ELD’s are a powerful tool with benefits extending beyond hours of service. As reported by the UN Environment Programme, the big data from these devices can help consumers adopt more sustainable behavior and create sustainable value chains, while driving their businesses’ bottom line. 

Looking to leverage ELD’s more effectively? Get connected to them in minutes utilizing TruckerCloud’s open API platform. Learn more.

Learn more about ELDs and what ELD data is used for here.

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